
  • Commitments in sustainability

    Ethics & anticorruption
    whistleblowing system

ACTIA provides its employees and all of the Group’s stakeholders with an alert system. This system meets the Group’s obligations under anticorruption laws. It is also open to report other unethical facts.


The ACTIA whistleblowing system is open to all serious unethical facts.

According to the law, this covers:

  • A felony or misdemeanor,
  • A serious and manifest violation of a law or regulation,
  • A serious and manifest violation of an international treaty in force,
  • A serious threat or serious harm to the general interest.

The whistleblowing system covers the following areas:

  • Corruption and influence peddling,
  • Competition rules,
  • Accounting, financial, banking,
  • Social: discrimination, harassment,
  • Health, hygiene and safety at work,
  • Security vulnerabilities concerning products and services,
  • And in general the areas for which ACTIA has an obligation to open a whistleblowing system.

Definition of the whistleblower

Any person who, in good faith, that is to say, believing that their statement is complete and accurate, reports a potential violation of the anticorruption code of conduct, or other serious unethical facts.

Whistleblowers are protected from all forms of reprisal.
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