As a member of the French Fab and committed for many years to developing an industrial excellence that is constantly challenged and revitalised, ACTIA is proud that its French industrial site specialising in the production and assembly of electronic components is now a “Vitrine de l’Industrie du Futur” (Industry of the Future Showcase).
“We are particularly proud to bear witness to this transformation of our industrial site, as it demonstrates our ambition to serve a vibrant and diverse electronics industry, as well as the commitment of all our teams”.
David Elizalde, Director of Innovation Programmes
About “Vitrine industrie du futur” label
The “Vitrine Industrie du Futur” label was created in 2015 by the Alliance Industrie du Futur (AIF) and is coordinated by a committee including other professional organisations (France Industrie, UIMM, GIFAS), the French Ministry of Economy and Finance and Bpifrance. It recognises companies that have implemented a transformation project for their industrial site. This transformation project is generally based on digital technology and the extensive involvement of the teams in line with the dynamics of Factory 4.0 and Factory 5.0.

The modernization process of the Colomiers plant
The transformation programme, initiated in 2015 at the ACTIA industrial site, is a major modernisation process with the installation of a first mass production line and then a second one in 2017. From a production focused on complex small and medium runs, the site has evolved into a complete electronics production service offering rooted in France and in its home territory: the Occitanie region.
Several major projects have made this transformation possible:
- The implementation of particularly successful automation processes, including robotisation and cobotisation for mass production runs;
- Digitisation and the implementation of collaborative platforms;
- Change management with several focus areas: reinforcement of operational excellence, training of operators for more versatility and especially for higher added value assignments.
The presence of complex small and medium production runs as well as mass production runs on the same industrial site allows each type to evolve towards greater performance and competitiveness. Thus, complex production processes are developed with accelerated and optimised flows, whilst mass production runs have the particularity of handling different variants for the same product.
This transformation of the ACTIA industrial site was driven by the operational and industrial agility of the Group, which operates in particularly demanding markets and in an environment impacted by multiple disruptions: geopolitical, climatic, health, and the ongoing electronic component shortage.