


ACTIA strengthens its strategic priorities

“In this environment, ACTIA’s mission is more relevant than ever: to address with its...

ACTIA’s industrial agility: producing as close as possible to the customer

A resilient, agile and sustainable supply chain. These prospects are a good summary of the...

ACTIA is supporting the arrival of increasing numbers of electric cars in rental fleets

Professional fleets and vehicle rental companies engaged in the transition to sustainable mobility...

The adaptive and customisable bike, or how ACTIA, the electronics expert, … opening up new horizons in the e-bike industry. The arrival of an experienced and innovative...

Soaring energy prices | How ECO-DRIVING has become THE key response …

… for public transport networks. The conflict in Ukraine is driving up energy prices. This...

The ACTIA TGU-R 4 G W telematics solution pushes the boundaries of secure connectivity

ACTIA is boosting its TGU-R off-the-shelf telematics solution and launching a new version: the TGU-R...

MOT challenge: ACTIA is ranked 3rd in the “private detectors” category. 

ACTIA continues to take part in the MOT Challenge (Multiple Object Tracking), the global benchmark...

Redesign to Deliver:ensuring deliverability of electronic automotive products now and in the future

On-board electronic products have long life cycles: electronic architectures are replaced every ten...

How ACTIA is preparing the electronic architecture of the future? #2

Part 1 – Uniting operating safety and cybersecurityPart 2 – “Security By Design”: a...
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