At last, a programme for managing obsolescence and industrial shortages!...
At just 38 years old, Héla Bajouco is a perfect example of industrial excellence and professional...
After identifying ACTIA as a company “spearheading innovation” in 2021, the Institut Choiseul now...
…which renewed 6 of its certifications. The end of the year was busy in terms of Quality for...
ACTIA, as a global player in the automotive electronics industry, has built up solid experience in...
It is in this context and to address the new challenges of its ecosystem that ACTIA is pursuing the...
As a member of the French Fab and committed for many years to developing an industrial excellence...
A resilient, agile and sustainable supply chain. These prospects are a good summary of the...
On-board electronic products have long life cycles: electronic architectures are replaced every ten...