
Interns with wanderlust

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The ACTIA group is made up of 25 companies in 16 countries. This means that students who want to do an internship abroad, or are required to as part of their studies, have many opportunities to do so.
Léo joined ACTIA Electronics in Michigan — USA as an intern.
Aiyakan completed his internship at ACTIA Telecom in Aveyron, and now works at the group’s head office in Toulouse.
Such inspiring journeys, which will surely make you want to join the ACTIA adventure.

Léo Bidou: discovering ACTIA’s American electronics production site

Assistant Software Engineer on a work-study programme, Technology and Industrial Department

“I wanted to do an internship abroad, because it was important for me to discover other cultures. It was also a personal challenge: I wanted to see if I was capable of living on my own in a foreign country. Mission accomplished: it has been one of the best experiences of my life! 

I chose an English-speaking country because, in engineering, it is important to have a good command of English. During my work-study programme, ACTIA offered me an internship with the American subsidiary ACTIA Electronics, located in Romulus, Michigan. It’s an industrial site that manufactures circuit boards for its American customers. It was my first time working in an electronics factory, it was really interesting.

I quickly found my place within the team. Everyone was attentive and my colleagues placed their trust in me: to the point of involving me in a customer audit.

Of course, it was also very rewarding on a personal level. First of all because the team is very cosmopolitan made up of: Americans, Tunisians, Lebanese, Indians, Poles, etc. Just like in France, there is a strong social link in America. There is a strong sense of solidarity even outside the workplace. I feel that this connection is also a benefit for professional relationships: in the way we work together.

There is great synergy within the group. Each unit makes a contribution: to development resources, to customer requirements, etc. This collaboration is a strength for the group.

Upon returning to Toulouse, I continued my work-study programme in the group’s design office, where I have been able to put my experience in America to good use. I think that my experience at ACTIA Electronics has enabled me to understand other people’s perspective and to facilitate, in my own way, discussions between the teams. I have also brought the new skills acquired in the US to the project on which I am working in France. This transfer of skills has therefore benefited the French team. Everyone’s a winner!” 

The ACTIA group is made up of 26 subsidiaries in 16 countries. This means that students who want to do an internship abroad, or are required to as part of their studies, have many opportunities to do so.

Aiyakan HUYNH: unique mobility on three levels

Assistant DPO — Data protection

“I am an assistant DPO (Data Protection Officer) reporting to ACTIA Automotive’s security division, I work on data protection and GDPR compliance for the ACTIA group. I was hired at the end of my 6-month internship with ACTIA Telecom, the group’s telecommunications division.

My internship assignment involved supporting the company in its compliance with applicable regulations in terms of data protection. I reported to the legal affairs department of ACTIA Telecom, at the Saint-Georges de Luzençon site near Millau.

I really appreciated my experience as an ACTIA intern, partly because the surroundings were so nice. Having studied in big cities, in particular Strasbourg, where I did my Master’s degree in digital rights, I especially appreciated the quality of life offered by the Aveyron subsidiary: the surrounding area is beautiful, and the food is really good.

Another reason is that I have progressed in my job with lots of independence. That was what I needed.
I have worked a lot with the cybersecurity department of the head office in Toulouse, in particular with the group’s chief information security officer (CISO) on all GDPR matters.
Having acquired skills, and with my sense of autonomy and a growing number of issues relating to GDPR, it was only natural for me to submit an open application to continue my role within the security team at the head office in Toulouse. My application was accepted, and I left for Toulouse.

These days my job is very varied. My work covers a broader scope of data protection and cybersecurity, including on a European level. You could say that I have been geographically, socially, and professionally mobile within the ACTIA group (since I’m now working within the Cybersecurity Department rather than in legal affairs).

I would add that, as someone who places great importance on living conditions, I still find working at ACTIA’s head office very pleasant, because it is located on the outskirts of Toulouse in the hills of Pouvourville. And Toulouse is a really nice city in so many ways.” 

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