
Interns and students on work-study programmes have transformed trial periods at ACTIA

Turning your end-of-study internship (or work-study programme) into a fixed-term or permanent contract is an excellent way to start your professional life: it allows you to start your first job in a familiar environment, while building on your experience.
And what happens after the internship or work-study programme? Without being a matter of course, every year at ACTIA, internship or work-study contracts that have come to an end result in permanent employment. This was the case for Mohamed, Quentin, and Florian who talk about their experiences as former interns or students on work-study programmes at ACTIA.

Florian Barreau, connecting vehicle fleets

Real-time software engineer, ACTIA On-Board Software Department

“I was hired at the end of my work-study programme as a low-level software developer in the Real-Time team in the On-Board Software department. I design and develop software low layers for microcontrollers: integrated circuits that react to specific operations in vehicle ECUs.

My work-study programme lasted three years at ACTIA. I had the opportunity to work primarily on the iCAN2 product. This is the ACTIA telematics unit for managing rental vehicle fleets or large company vehicle fleets. I developed several software components under different communication protocols. My final year project consisted in implementing a development methodology in accordance with the ISO 26262 standard. This functional safety standard is incredibly important in the bus and coach and industrial vehicle markets.

This work-study programme was a very good experience for me, I discovered communication protocols that I was not familiar with, and I was able to work closely with the hardware team. This close relationship with the teams taught me a lot.

I also really appreciated the supervision and support by the ACTIA tutors. The whole team invested in my training, to improve my skills. When I graduated, I think I was able to offer real added value to the team. It was quite natural that my work with ACTIA turned into a permanent job.

If I were to give advice to interns who would like to stay with ACTIA, it would be to first prove yourself technically and then:
– Be able to adapt, irrespective of the products or technologies used.
– Be ready to take on new challenges every day.
– Pay attention to what is needed and always make time for introspection.

ACTIA is a great adventure!” 

Mohamed AHAL, Linux enthusiast

Software developer, ACTIA Embedded Software Department

“I am a software designer and developer in the Embedded Linux department of the ACTIA design office in Toulouse. I work on the continuous integration of connected telematics solutions for vehicles in different markets such as agriculture, public transport, and industrial vehicles. We have numerous customers including major manufacturers operating in the field of modern agriculture where vehicle connectivity is increasing.

I joined ACTIA as an intern for a period of six months with the Embedded Linux team. My task was to evaluate the performance and feasibility of integrating an application into the UEFI standard. This is a function related to booting a program’s operating system.

At the end of my internship, I wanted to join ACTIA for several reasons:
The atmosphere within the team: the embedded Linux team is very dynamic, flexible, and really friendly.
The way the team operates: the availability of colleagues, including experts, and the ongoing, meaningful discussions. The weekly meetings allow the whole team to align and share what the different members are doing. They are also an opportunity to find solutions to anybody’s technical problems and blockages.
SCRUM meetings: I had asked to attend a few SCRUM meetings to understand how the development of a project and its follow-up is organised. My request was well received by the project manager who briefed me on the ongoing project. These meetings were very informative regarding agile methodology and project management.
Company culture: ACTIA is a family business that promotes both human and professional values such as respect and commitment.

My advice to future interns who wish to join ACTIA would be to:
– Be creative and put forward ideas: project managers will always listen to you.
– Regularly share developments in your project with the team and do not hesitate to ask for approval of your work.
– Have a professional attitude: even as an intern, you are already a professional!” 

Quentin Joyel takes up the challenge of automotive diagnostics

Software Development Engineer, Application Software Department

“I currently hold the position of software design and development engineer. I work in the ACTIA design office in Toulouse, which is also the group’s headquarters.

We develop numerous projects within the Application Software Department. I work on automotive diagnostic projects, and more specifically in the vehicle communication team, whose mission is to enable the vehicle to communicate with the automotive diagnostic computer. I personally work on DiagBox, an automotive diagnostic solution for a major European automotive group.

This is a very stimulating job, requiring a high level of analytical skills, communication with teams and organisation. For me, that’s what makes this job an exciting challenge because no two days are alike.

I was part of the current team for my internship during my final year of engineering school, before joining ACTIA on a permanent contract. My task was to improve one of our simulation tools. This is a program that can simulate the communication between our diagnostic software and a vehicle. This software is used internally by our development teams, as well as by the engineers of car manufacturers.

I undertook this task as a project manager: from specification to integration, including the writing of technical software documentation, development, and testing, etc. ACTIA entrusted me with the full assignment, which is an approach that I really appreciated.

I was able to apply everything I learnt during my training. During the course of the assignment, I worked on a subject that is technically very advanced, requiring highly specific technical skills. Although it was not a foregone conclusion, with the help of my colleagues, I was able to successfully complete this ambitious project.

There is certainly a great atmosphere within the team, which is really important. As a “young engineer” you can feel a certain amount of pressure. The support and atmosphere within the teams is a key factor of success.

In order to turn your internship into a permanent contract, I think it is necessary to be a good team worker, to contribute to the team spirit, to communicate in times of difficulties, and to have a professional attitude. Passion for the job is also particularly widespread at ACTIA. As a team, they are passionate about electronic diagnostics right from the start and it’s very exciting.” 

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