
Changing perceptions and breaking down prejudices

Semaine Européenne pour l'Emploi des Personnes Handicapées

ACTIA looks back at the highlights of its Semaine Européenne pour l’Emploi des Personnes Handicapées (SEEPH – European Disability Employment Week) 2022, organised by the internal committee for disability “TOUS CAP”, and coordinated by disability representatives Danaé Weill and Marion Delavalle.

On the schedule:

  • Presentation of the e-learning module for awareness on disabilities in the workplace,
  • DuoDay,
  • Meetings on the ground.

A week dedicated to inclusion and diversity, values that are dear to ACTIA as demonstrated by Jean-Louis PECH, CEO of the group:

Actions taken within ACTIA with regard to people with disabilities reflect ACTIA’s values: for the benefit of everyone. This is therefore an important subject for our company, because embracing diversity is a process of opening up which enhances our community. ACTIA’s active committee, “Tous Cap”, regularly gets together to organise practical measures and to consider the changes in attitudes within our structure. This involves changing perceptions about disabilities in the workplace, including on a managerial level. Embracing this diversity in an ambitious, concrete, and structured way requires a mindset suited to all levels of the company.”

“Including disability in the workplace”: e-learning module.

The e-learning module is designed to change perceptions about disabilities and to promote the integration of people with disabilities at ACTIA.

Several group training sessions were scheduled during the (SEEPH) week to enable ACTIA employees to become familiar with this module. Outside of these sessions, the module is freely available and is part of the induction course for all new ACTIA employees.

ACTIA e-learning content

How are disabilities represented and what are the realities?

What are the company’s legal obligations?

Why and how to undertake the RQTH (Reconnaissance de la Qualité de Travailleur Handicapé – Disabled worker status) process?

What help and support are available to the person?

The module provides very clear answers to all questions regarding RQTH, illustrated by accounts from beneficiaries and employers; enabling employees to project the real-life experience into their own everyday lives

Definition of disability

According to the terms of the legislation of 11 February 2005, “The following constitute a disability: any limitation of activity or restriction on participating in social life to which a person is subject in their environment as a result of a substantial, long-lasting, or definitive impairment of one or more physical, sensory, mental, cognitive, or psychological functions, multiple disabilities, or an incapacitating health disorder”.

The e-learning puts to rest misconceptions about disabilities in the workplace

  • Disabilities are not always visible, some chronic conditions can be considered as disabilities (such as diabetes or asthma),
  • A disability can be temporary (1 year),
  • A disabled employee is not necessarily a protected employee,
  • Congenital disabilities account for a small portion of causes of disability: 85% of disabilities are acquired over the course of a person’s life,
  • etc.

The module uses role-playing videos, handled with wit and sensitivity, to provide suggestions regarding the attitude to adopt in the presence of a disabled employee.

What they’re saying…

It’s a great idea to address this issue in an offbeat way with well-performed sketches. We can better identify with situations that we might find difficult in the presence of a disabled employee.”  

“The module is very informative and comprehensive, I learnt a lot. All aspects of disability are addressed. I downloaded the additional documents to take time to read them.” 

“The Quiz at the end of the module is quite in-depth. It allows us to test our knowledge or to correct it where necessary.” 

DuoDay 2022

This year, 10 duos received training at ACTIA focusing on the following jobs: production operator, logistics operator, account manager, CSR policy manager, sales administration manager and human resources manager.

A win-win operation

From an employer perspective, this operation is a perfect launchpad for boosting the company’s disability policy. It helps with:

  • Raising awareness among all employees about professional integration of people with disabilities,
  • Overcoming prejudices
  • Recognising and understanding the qualities and professional opportunities of people with disabilities.

DuoDay enables people with disabilities to not only discover a career with ACTIA, but also to:

  • Initiate or continue along a pathway to integration,
  • Discover a working environment,
  • Clarify a career plan,
  • Initiate a career change,
  • Convince an employer of their abilities in terms of integration, performance, and autonomy.

The human aspect of the event

In addition to being a professional gathering focused on discovering careers and the business environment, DuoDays are, above all, human encounters that allow the two worlds to connect. This sometimes occurs in a very personal way because, as the day progresses, a relationship of trust materialises between the mentors and those attending. It is not uncommon for discussions to go beyond the strict framework of professional activity and for guests to make more personal reference to their life journey. This closeness really helps with changing perceptions about disabilities in the workplace.”

Danaé Weill: head of human resources, ACTIA Automotive disability representative.

Facilitating access to ACTIA careers for people with disabilities.

By facing up to the reality of the job, individuals hosted by ACTIA have been able to assess the difficulties encountered in the desired position. They need personalised support to facilitate access to the ACTIA profession. In particular they need to update specific knowledge or undergo internal or external training.

Workplace adaptation requirements have also been detected, such as adjustments to:
– Work rate,
– Constraints specific to the position (lifting weight),
– Work tools (e.g. requirements for braille software),
– Etc.

Over the course of the day, all aspects of company life were addressed: workstation, tools, as well as accessibility to common areas (break room, company cafeteria, etc.).

It was also an opportunity to talk about the isolation felt by these people during the COVID pandemic. This feeling of isolation was echoed among people with disabilities when the issue of remote working was raised.

Accounts from the day

– As told by the mentors

Introducing someone to your career is very rewarding and gratifying. Having discussions with someone who is disabled and understanding their difficulties adapting to a working environment is crucial. It was a rewarding and emotional day.” 

We have built a wonderful team, everyone was interested and willing to participate. A relationship of trust was created between us. People talked about their personal journeys. I hope that the day will have given them a boost in their career plan. In any case, we are ready to repeat the experience next year.”

We learnt a lot from each of them about what life is like with a disability. I will remember their optimism, their smiles and their desire to progress both in life and professionally: an unfailing motivation.”

-As told by the mentees…

I found the day really interesting. We were very well received by the ACTIA employees. We were able to get hands-on at the workstation, which made the job very concrete. We would have liked it to have lasted two days.”

Meetings on the ground

ACTIA took part in the Forum Handy Recrutement organised by FACE Grand Toulouse and Agefiph.

The forum brought together around fifty companies in the presence of Christophe Alves, elected representative at the Toulouse town hall in charge of disabilities. A number of candidates visited our stand, including some to form a potential group of operators to be supported during training on our professions.”

Explains Claire Brière, Head of ACTIA recruitment. 

ACTIA Telecom was present for the SEEPH recruitment morning, at Dinard CAP Emploi, following which an additional work duo was formed.

CVs were exchanged for future on-the-job immersion internships along with essential training and support measures.” 

Says Marion Delavalle, disability representative, ACTIA Telecom.

This disability week with ACTIA was organised by disability representatives Danaé Weill and Marion Delavalle. Thank you both!

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