
ACTIA becomes a member of the European CCAM Association

ACTIA nouveau membre de CCAM

ACTIA, a major player in electronics for mobility, has become a member of the European CCAM Association, which aims to promote and facilitate research and innovation in Connected, Cooperative and Automated Mobility (CCAM) within the European Research Area, by bringing together the main players in the sector’s value chain. 

ACTIA makes its ambitions clear by joining the CCAM Association

ACTIA has taken the strategic decision to join the CCAM Association in order to better anticipate future technological developments in the automotive industry through closer collaboration with the main players in the European ecosystem (road vehicle manufacturers, tier 1 and 2 subcontractors, research laboratories, etc.) and strengthen its value proposition in its traditional areas of expertise in vehicle architectures and vehicle life cycle management (connectivity, energy management, driver cockpit, and diagnostics in particular),”

Said David Elizalde, ACTIA Group’s Director of New Programmes and International Development.

This membership also gives ACTIA the opportunity to expand its ecosystem of innovative partners, while positioning itself as an ideal candidate for co-innovation partnerships in the areas of expertise mentioned above.

Open Innovation: a new chapter with the European CCAM Association

Open Innovation is at the heart of our approach, strengthening our capacity for innovation through partnerships with various organisations. By mobilising financial levers, we strive to offer our customers innovative, sometimes disruptive, technological solutions to improve performance, profitability and competitive positioning, or to address other strategic challenges. Joining CCAM reflects our ongoing commitment to push the boundaries of innovation in the automotive sector

David Elizalde added.

About CCAM

The CCAM Association has established a partnership with the European Commission as part of the Horizon Europe Research and Innovation Programme, with 3 major objectives:

  • Create a more user-centred and inclusive mobility system, increasing road safety while reducing congestion and environmental footprint;
  • Develop collaborative research, testing and demonstration projects in order to accelerate innovation and the implementation of automated mobility;
  • Unite the European ecosystem to remove barriers and contribute to the acceptance and efficient roll-out of automation technologies and related services.

Further information is available on the association’s website:

Through its involvement in the CCAM Association, ACTIA is consolidating its role as a proactive player in driving innovation within the mobility sector, working towards a connected, cooperative and automated future.

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